Articles by Ken

Ken speaking at the CUA Alumni Banquet

A visit with CUA Alumni

Ken Dow, chair of the Building Preservation Group, spoke at the Corinna Union Academy Alumni Banquet on June 13, 2015. It was the first public showing of the Stewart Library Building video. Many of those who attended have strong memories of graduations, dances, plays and basketball games at the Stewart…

Funding the Restoration of the Belfry

SPECIAL TOWN MEETING – JUNE 10 at 6 PM Work on the masonry of the clock tower has gone very well. It will be completed in a few weeks. However, the condition of the wooden belfry is worse than expected. The complete repair and restoration of the belfry will cost…

Work on the Clock Tower Begins

Work on the clock tower of the Stewart Library Building will begin next week. The staging arrived Friday. The workers from Knowles Industrial Services Corporation will rebuild, in place, the sections with the most damage and repair the rest. The engineer from Becker Structural Engineers, said the work could not…

Results of Brainstorming Session

Preserving the Stewart Library Building Public Meeting – January 20, 2015 Building Preservation Group – Corinna, Maine During a brainstorming session all suggestions and ideas are accepted and recorded without evaluation or critical analysis. The intent is to encourage creative thinking over wide ranging possibilities. Issues of practicality and feasibility…

Building Preservation Group – Public Meeting

The committee invites the public to help develop a comprehensive vision for the Stewart Library Building. Citizens from Corinna and all surrounding towns are invited to this information and planning session with the committee and the architects who will be designing the renovations. Here is a schedule of events for…

The million dollar grant and what needs to be done?

The Town of Corinna has received a grant from the Next Generation Foundation of Maine for one million dollars to help pay for renovations, and the preservation of the Stewart Library Building. This is an incredible gift to the people of Corinna and indeed to the Central Highlands area of…

Restoring the Stage Backdrops

This picture was probably taken when the Stewart Library Building in Corinna, Maine opened in 1898. There were folding wooden seats for 300 people in the auditorium. On the stage we can see elegant front curtains, intricately decorated side pieces, and a beautifully hand painted backdrop. Originally there were probably…

Preserving the SLB – September Update

If you have the opportunity, please let your selectmen know that you support repairing the Stewart Library Building and preserving its historic value. It is very important for them to know the people support this work. Repairing the Clock Tower At town meeting in March the voters of Corinna authorized…

This building survived, but needs attention.

Most of the buildings that were in the downtown area of Corinna are gone, torn down in the EPA cleanup just over a decade ago. This one is still there, standing tall, as it has since completion in 1898. At that time some considered it one of the finest public…