Celebrate this milestone!


We have been waiting for this!

Since February the front of the Stewart Library Building has been shrouded in staging and a cover. For 2 years the front doors have been blocked off and the orange caution fence warned us away from the front entrance. This photo taken Dec 18, 2015 shows that the staging is down and the doors are now usable.

The work on the clock tower and the belfry is essentially complete. There are just a few details that will be finished in the Spring.

Notice that the granite medallion at the upper right of the clock tower is back in place. The white staining from water infiltration at the top of the tower is gone. The bricks look smooth, beautiful, no gaps in the mortar.  Knowles Industrial Services did a remarkable job on the full and complete repair and restoration of the tower. Hahnel Brothers repaired the slate roof and the wooden structure of the belfry.

The railings that were in the belfry arches will be restored and put back in place in the Spring.

This work, what we are calling “Phase 1”, was funded almost entirely by the Town of Corinna through an article that passed at town meeting in 2014. That commitment by the people of Corinna demonstrated to the Next Generation Foundation of Maine that Corinna was serious about the work of restoring the Stewart Library Building. They granted us $1,000,000 to continue the preservation of the building.

The work of “Phase 2”, funded by that grant, is in progress. Notice the top of a large crane boom just showing, half-way up at the right side of the building. The structural steel for the new addition and stairway will arrive in a few days. The crane will be used to erect the structure.

5 Comments on "Celebrate this milestone!"

  1. Proudly displaying our care for our benefactors gift. Although we may be small in numbers in Corinna, I am proud to be part of the current citizenry preserving this historic building while larger communities experience decay and demolition of some of their historic structures.

  2. Marvelous job! As Carl Smith said, it makes me proud to know that the current citizens of the town where my dad was born and raised are taking such great care of this beautiful structure. Kudos to all!

  3. Jane Quimby Biscoe | December 19, 2015 at 1:45 pm | Reply

    What a great Christmas present to all who love Corinna and the Stewart Library Building !!! This picture brought happy tears to my eyes – along with deep gratitude to all of you who have worked and continue to work so faithfully to make this project a reality.

  4. I love being able to see these changes take place. Thank you Ken Dow.

  5. Charlene (Novak) Bradford | December 29, 2015 at 11:34 am | Reply

    Having moved away from the town I grew up in and love so very much (20+ years ago now)I was not aware of the condition of the Stewart Library Building. This building was a HUGE part of childhood memories and I am so thankful the citizens of Corinna are preserving that stately building.

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